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Month of Photography Sendai |仙台写真月間2023

写真家 山田なつみ 作品
A Booklet Month of Photography Sendai 2023



子育ては葛藤で満ちています。母になりきれない。ママと呼ばれない休日が欲しい。(そう思う時点で母失格?)いつも予定通りに事を進められない。浅くなる呼 吸。カントは言う「『これは正しい事だ』と自分で選択する事に道徳的価値があ り、本当の自由がある」と。しかし、その理性が働かない母という存在に私は煩悶 する。「保育園に行きたくない。ママといたい、ママと遊ぶんだ!」と沿道の電信 柱1本ごとに立ち止まり、しゃがむわが子。泣く叫ぶ。嬉しいが辛い。毎朝定刻に 出勤する夫に対し、片道1時間半かけて園まで送っていく妻。いつしか雨風に晒さ れるひとつひとつの電信柱に第2の自己を重ねていく。そして「母 / 自分」「夫 / 妻」「子 / 親」「仕事 / 私的」と二分化する事そのものが全ての迷妄の根本だと気がつきはじめる。

写真家山田なつみ UBIQUITÉ 作品 脱構築 I
déconstruction I

<会場> 鹿落堂

10/10 (火) ~ 11/5 (日) 〒 982-0841 仙台市太白区向山1-1-1

TEL/FAX: 022-395-8074

開店時間 11時より17時

10/16以降 11時より18時

定休日: なし

仙台市営・宮交バス 向山二丁目バス停 徒歩1分 駐車場 店舗前5台 近隣駐車場2台(坂の途中の変形地で交通量も多く駐車スペースも狭いため、お車でお


在廊日:10/14(土)10/21(土)11/5(日)いずれも 15:00 - 16:30



I may not be a good mother,

but my child calls me "mummy" every time as if I were a goddess...

Parenting is full of conflicts, and I sometimes doubt my mothering abilities. I often wish for a break where my role does not define me as a parent. Am I not a person beyond motherhood? Sometimes, things don't go as planned, and I may take shallow breaths. Following Kant's philosophy, we can attain true freedom by making rational choices and consciously recognising them as moral obligations. But I agonise over my mother's inability to reason. "I don't want to go to nursery school. I don't want to go to nursery school; I want to be with my mum and play with you! " She cries and screams. I'm happy, but at the same time, I felt drastically struggled. My husband goes to work on time every morning, while the wife takes her child to school, an hour and a half away each way. I find a second self on each utility pole exposed to the wind and rain. I realise that the dichotomisation into 'mother/self', 'husband/wife', 'child/parent' and 'work/personal' is the root of all superstition.

<Venue> Shishiochido

10/10 (Tue) ~ 11/5 (Sun) 1-1-1 Mukouyama, Taihaku-ku, Sendai 982-0841

TEL/FAX: 022-395-8074

Opening hours: 11 am to 5 pm

From 16 October onwards: 11 am to 6 pm

Closed: No holidays

1 min walk from Mukouyama 2-chrome bus stop by Sendai Municipal Miyako Bus. 5 parking spaces in front of the shop, two parking spaces in the neighbourhood

(Please note that the parking space is narrow due to heavy traffic on a deformed lot in the middle of a slope. Please be careful when driving over).

<Venue> Shishiochido

10/10 (Tue) ~ 11/5 (Sun) 1-1-1 Mukouyama, Taihaku-ku, Sendai 982-0841

TEL/FAX: 022-395-8074

Opening hours: 11 am to 5 pm

From 16 October onwards: 11 am to 6 pm

OPEN: everyday

1 min walk from Mukouyama 2-chome bus stop by Sendai Municipal Miyako Bus. 5 parking spaces in front of the shop, 2 parking spaces in the neighbourhood

(Please note that the parking space is narrow due to heavy traffic on a deformed lot in the middle of a slope. Please be careful when driving over).

Artist will be at the gallery on October 14th and 21st, as well as November 5th at 3:00 - 4:30 pm.


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