The new photographic series, Tamaki, is now part of my portfolio. Tamaki is my latest aesthetic – but documentary – photography series. By chance, I became acquainted with a lady in Sendai and immediately hit it off with her. Just after our encounter, we set about shooting portraits of a single mother in my house. Now I understand that I had met an alter-ego. Did we imagine that we would spend a decade forging our friendship and idea? This is a documentary about ten years of assimilating our sensitivities.
新作 Tamaki をポートフォリオにアップデートしました。
添付写真:一部作品は、銀座リコーイメージングギャラリーさんでのグループ展「次世代を担う写真家たち 2015」展で発表しました。

Silver Gelatin Print
Private collection(個人蔵)©️NATSOUMI and the collector.