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Video | Looks Like Abstraction | Galerie Springer Berlin


As we come to the end of the group exhibition "Looks Like Abstraction" on January 25th, I am proud to present a video I created in collaboration with video artist Daisuke Takahira. This video not only highlights my printing process in the darkroom but also includes captivating exhibition shots taken during my time in Berlin. 

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the support I have received throughout this exhibition. A special acknowledgement goes to Heide and Robert Springer for their warm welcome and for providing me with this incredible opportunity as a foreign artist from Japan. It has been an honour to share the space with such talented artists whom I have long admired: Maria JAUREGUI PONT, Loredana NEMES, Anna SZPRYNGER, Ingar KRAUSS, Edward BURTYNSKY, NATSOUMI, Stefanie SEUFERT, JANOS FRECOT, and Peter RUEHLE.

Additionally, I would like to express my gratitude to Satoshi Minegishi for his invaluable assistance in filming the darkroom process. Together, we have created something meaningful to share with our audience.


 グループ展「Looks Like Abstraction」が来週1月25日(土)閉幕にあたり、アートディレクターの高平大輔氏とのコラボレーションのショートビデオが完成いたしました。このビデオは、暗室での私のプリント工程を紹介するだけでなく、ベルリン滞在中に撮影した展示風景も織り込まれています。

 この写真展を通じて、人間という生き物の温かみを経験を通じて気付かされました。日本から来た外国人アーティストである私を歓迎し、この素晴らしい機会を与えてくれたSpringerご夫妻に改めて深い感謝と敬意を表します。また、Maria JAUREGUI PONT, Loredana NEMES, Anna SZPRYNGER, Ingar KRAUSS, Edward BURTYNSKY, NATSOUMI, Stefanie SEUFERT, JANOS FRECOT, and Peter RUEHLEさんという長い間、私の憧れであり目標としているアーティストと同じ空間に作品を飾ることができ、大変光栄です。




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